Otoh Gunga Water Ride

Climb into a gungan "bongo" and let the water flows carry you. Waterfalls, rapids and various whirls : you probably won't get out with dry clothes!

Otoh Gunga Water Ride
Montez dans un "bongo" gungan et laissez-vous porter par les flots. Chutes d'eau, rapides et tourbillons en tout genre ; vous n'êtes pas sûr de ressortir avec des vêtements secs !

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I have just been looking for such a resort - what's wrong with Lucas family - my six year old son would go nuts for this - he has no idea who mickeymouse is ! Have you got any capital shall we do business plan and build it in New Mexico ???

Anonyme a dit…

Lets do it

Dr Chewbacca a dit…

Now that Disney owns Star Wars, maybe there's a chance this will come true !